Place of Learning

The SEC has an impressive track-record of working with a broad range of educational institutions.


At a very local level, we have engaged with schools and youth groups that have looked for assistance in teaching pupils about the Sikh way of life. This has included facilitating training for staff, sourcing classroom materials, speaking in person and offering advice relating to the curriculum.

Higher Education

At university level, the SEC is deeply embedded in the field of Sikh studies across the globe. Our work in this area has been with institutions from Punjab, North America and the UK. As well as supporting post-graduate research and departmental teaching, our seminars and conferences have always been defined by papers and ideas emanating from academics in higher education to whom we offer a platform to present their work.

If you represent an educational institution or group, we are happy to provide you with advice, guidance and information. Please contact us in the first instance if possible.


The SEC regularly partners with a number of organisations including: