
Spending time learning from the Guru is fundamental to being a Sikh. Guru Nanak teaches us about life, existence and reality, and it is up to us to grasp that opportunity.

Adult learning in the Sikh world is commonly conveyed through the oral tradition – think of katha (exposition of Gurbani), dhadi (odes and ballads from history), and santhiya (grammatical and pronunciation teaching of Gurbani). However, these days Sikhs have more time to devote to formal study by different methods, particularly those born and raised in the west. Lectures, seminars and talks go a long way to fulfilling some of those needs, but for the more committed student of Guru Nanak, we offer a number of opportunities for continuous study.

Sikh Studies course
Our University Sikh studies course has helped dozens of students in higher education learn more about the Sikh way of life. The same course is also offered to non-students in a number of areas across the country.

Registration is now open for the course which will be delivered in 2021 in central London, Hitchin, Slough and Southampton. If you would like to enrol, please read more about the course and register your interest here.

Sikh Study circles
Our Sikh study circles meet weekly for 1 hour to discuss a different article on a topic pertaining to the Sikh way of life. Members of each circle receive the article a week in advance and then gather at an independent and quiet venue to discuss the questions that arise from that article. Through discussion with one another, members of the study circles gain an insight into Sikhi that they previously might not have considered and advance their knowledge and experience as a result.

Presently, there are Sikh study circles meeting weekly in central London, Slough, Southall, Gravesend and North Hertfordshire. Contact us to join up with one of our Sikh Study circles or to help facilitate one in your area.